• Download this form, complete and send in with any payments you’d like to make.

    Chapel Gift & Pledge Form

  • Here are a few local businesses providing various services in the Roxbury area. This is not an endorsement of these businesses.

    Bolduc’s Best Plumbing LLC

    Steve Lizotte Plumbing

    J. L. Adler Carpentry
    Contractor and Custom Home Builder

    David Smith Carpentry

    R&A Tractor 
    Demolition & Excavation
    (207) 364-5298

    Pelletier Trucking

    Ray Carver Excavation

    Swasey Excavation, INC.

    Esau Cooper Excavation and Logging

    Duguay Electric

    Waugh’s Mountain View Electric

    Mountain Stream Electric

    Macgregor Electric

    Jean Chartier Snowplowing

    White’s Yardworks

    Mills Family Landscaping

    Nick Pierce Landscaping

    If you’d like to list your business here, contact the SLCOA board members using this form: Contact Us Form.

  • Trash may be left in receptacles for pick on Thursdays and recycle every other Thursday.

    Please do not leave trash out on Sundays. Ask a neighbor to get it out there for you on Wednesday evening. Animals don’t know what day of the week it is, and they love trash!

    Thank you!

  • On July 4th and the weekends immediately before and after, and December 31st and the weekends immediately before and after the hours in which fireworks may be used are from 9:00am to 12:30am the following day.

    All other days of the year fireworks are restricted to 9:00am to 10:00pm.

    Fireworks may only be used on your own property and property in which the owner has given permission for you to do so.

    Please be aware that fireworks cannot be set of on the beach of Ellis Pond.

    For more information visit the Office of Maine State Fire Marshal

    Please contact Oxford County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch with complaints or concerns at 1-800-733-1421

  • Materials for recycling may be left in recycling receptacles for pick up every other Thursday.

    Check the Roxbury Town website for updated schedule.

  • Yes, there is a boat launch available to the public.

    Location using Google Maps

    Courtesy Boat Inspections are Friday-Monday 8am-6pm during the summer season with daily inspections during the week of the 4th.

  • The best way is to do a self inspection of your boat and personal water craft upon removal from the body of water and prior to launching into a body of water.

    Watercraft Inspection

    Courtesy Boat Inspections are Friday-Monday 8am-6pm during the summer season with daily inspections during the week of the 4th.

    What is Milfoil?

  • Yes, Roxbury Pond is ATV friendly. The Roxbury Riders ATV club maintains the Roxbury and Andover trails. Please respect ATV speed limit 15mph on Roxbury Pond paved roads and respect all ATV trail signs. Always stay on the trail and be respectful of land owners. They are allowing you to use their property.

  • Complete this online form for a burn permit: https://www.wardensreport.com/#!/frontPage